Association By-Laws

Article I:  Meetings

Section 1. Annual Meeting. An annual meeting shall be held once each calendar year for the purpose of electing positions of the advisory board and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. The annual meeting shall be held at the time and place designated by the Board of Directors from time to time.

Section 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be requested by the President or the Board of Directors.

Sections 3. Notice. Written notice of all meetings shall be provided under this section or as otherwise required. The notice shall state the place, date and time of the meeting, and if for a special meeting, the purpose of the meeting. Such notice shall be issued to all directors of record at their designated contact, which may be a mailing address, e-mail address or other form of electronic contact, as shown on the corporate books. Such notice shall be issued at least 10 days prior to the meeting, which shall be deemed effective as of the post mark date, or electronic time marker on electronic correspondence.

Section 4. Place of Meeting. Meetings shall be held at the Association’s principle place of business unless otherwise stated in the notice.

Section 5. Quorum. A majority of the directors shall constitute a quorum at a meeting. In the absence of quorum, a majority of the directors may adjourn the meeting to another time without further notice. If a quorum is represented at an adjourned meeting, any business may be transacted that might have been transacted at the meeting as originally scheduled. The directors present at a meeting approved by a quorum may continue to transact business until adjournment, even if the withdrawal of some directors results in representation of less than a quorum.

Section 6. Informal Action. Any action to be taken, or which may be taken, at a meeting, may be taken without a meeting and without prior notice if a consent setting forth the action so taken is approved by the directors with respect to the subject of the matter.


ARTICLE II:  Directors

Section 1. Number of Directors. The association shall be guided by a Board of Directors consisting of five (5) directors: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Registrar.

Section 2. Election and Term of Office. The directors shall be elected at the annual meeting. Each director shall serve a term of three years, or until a successor has been elected and qualified.

Section 3. Quorum. A majority of the directors shall constitute a quorum.

Section 4. Adverse Interest. In the determination of a quorum of the directors, or in voting, the adverse interest of director shall not disqualify the director or invalidate his or her vote.

Section 5. Regular Meeting. The Board of Directors shall meet immediately after the election for the purpose of appointing new committee chairpersons, and for transacting such other business as may be deemed appropriate. The Board of Directors may provide, by resolution, for the additional regular meetings without notice other than the notice provided by the resolution.

Section 6. Special Meeting. Special meetings may be requested by the President, Vice President, Secretary or any two directors by providing five (5) days notice to the Board of Directors.

Section 7. Procedures. The vote of the majority of the Board of Directors present at a properly called meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board of Directors. A director of the association who is present at a meeting of the Board of Directors at which an action on any corporate matter is taken shall be presumed to have assented to the action taken unless their dissent shall be entered into the minutes of the meeting. The Board shall keep written minutes of its proceeding in its records.

Section 8. Informal Action. Any action required to be taken at a meeting of directors, or any action which be taken a regular meeting of directors or of a committee of directors, may be taken without a meeting if a consent setting forth the action so taken is approved by all the of the directors, or all of the members of a committee of directors, as the case may be.

Section 9. Removal/Vacancies.  A director shall be subject to removal, with or without cause, at a meeting called for that purpose. Any vacancy that occurs on the Board of Directors, whether by death, resignation, removal or any other cause, may be filled by the remaining directors. A director elected to fill a vacancy shall serve the remaining term of his or her predecessor, or until a successor has been elected and qualified.

Section 10. Committees.  To the extent permitted by law, the Board of Directors may appoint from its member a committee or committees, temporary or permanent, and designate the duties, powers, and authorities of such committees.


ARTICLE III:  Officers

Section 1. Number of Officers. The officers of the association shall consist of a President, a Treasurer, and a Secretary at a minimum. The association at its inception also provides for a Vice President and a Registrar. Two or more offices may be held by one person, with one exception; the President may not serve concurrently as a Vice President.

  1. President. The President shall be the chief executive officer and shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and Executive Committees, if such a committee is created by the board.
  2. Secretary. The Secretary shall give notice of all meetings of the Board of Directors and Executive Committees, shall keep an accurate list of the directors, and shall have the authority to certify any records or copies of records, as the official records of the association. The Secretary shall maintain the minutes of the Board of Directors meetings and all committee meetings.
  3. Treasurer/CFO. The Treasurer shall be responsible for conducting the financial affairs of the association as directed and authorized by the Board of Directors and Executive Committees, if any, and shall make or otherwise verify reports of corporate finances as required, but no less often than at each meeting of the Board of Directors.
  4. Vice President. The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President, in the event that the President is unable to perform his or her duties due to absence, death, dismissal, or other reason; either temporarily, or until a new President is appointed by the Board of Directors or is elected and qualified.
  5. Registrar. The Registrar shall be responsible for duties related to pony registry including pedigree, verifying compliance with registry requirements, and issuing pony registrations. The Registrar shall provide report of annual registration numbers to the Board of Directors, no less than annually, but more frequently if requested by the Board of Directors or an Executive Committee.

Section 2. Removal or Vacancy. The Board of Directors shall have the power to remove an officer or agent of the association. Any vacancy that occurs for any reason may be filled by the Board of Directors.


ARTICLE IV:  Amendment to Bylaws
The bylaws may be amended, altered or repealed by the Board of Directors by a majority of a quorum vote at any regular or special meeting. The text of the proposed change shall be distributed to all board members at least ten (10) prior to the meeting.




Registry Rules and Regulations

Article I:  Registration

Section 1. Application. Applicants must complete and submit a form provided by the Association to establish information for the pony they are registering. The Association will then submit a kit to the applicant, provided by the University of California Davis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory, to collect samples of at least 30 to 40 hair follicles for DNA testing of the pony. If the pony applying for registration is registered with another registry, a DNA template will be included in the form for the owner to collect at least 30 to 40 hair follicles and submitted to the IKBPA.

Section 2. Chain of Evidence. A licensed veterinarian must be involved to collect DNA samples to provide authentic third party verification of a pony applying for registration. This is done to prevent fraudulent behavior that may otherwise damage the reputation of the Association or its members. The DNA collection must then be sent to the University of California Davis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory by the veterinarian in a pre-addressed and stamped envelope included with the kit.
           a. Ponies with dual registration are exempt from third party veterinarian collection due to established data previously collected via other registries. However, the DNA will still need to be collected by the owner and sent to the International Kerry Bog Pony Association in order to be tested by the University of California Davis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory for storing genetic information within the Association’s own database.

Sections 3. Inspection. To provide ease of registration, a third party examination of the pony is not required. Instead, the licensed veterinarian at the event of DNA collection can complete a simple two-paged inspection form provided by the Association, and returned to the Association in a pre-addressed and stamped envelope. A certificate of ideal standards is given based on the veterinarian's conclusion, with each as follows.
            a. The Crown Jewel. This certificate is given if the pony meets all the requirements outlined in the breed's Standard of Perfection.
            b. The Silver Certificate. This certificate is given if the pony meets the majority of the requirements outlined in the breed's Standard of Perfection, but has some conformational and/or personality flaws.
            c. No certificate will be issued if the pony fails to meet more than 70% of the breed's Standard of Perfection, though it will still be issued a Class 1 pedigree after DNA results return to the Association.


ARTICLE II:  Pedigrees

Section 1. Pedigree. Registered ponies shall receive a certificate that records the name, sex, color, owner of pony at time of birth, owner of pony at present time, and parentage, as well as confirming parentage to the best of the Association's ability and confirmation on the pony's breed purity.

Section 2. Classification. Based on its breed purity, a pony will be given a Classification within its pedigree. They are as follows.
           a. Class 1. Also known as the Gold Pedigree, this is to represent and confirm that the pony is a pure-bred animal. Pedigree will be displayed on a golden colored paper.
           b. Class 2. Also known as the Green Pedigree, this is to represent and confirm that the pony is a half-bred animal, with at least one parent, one to three grandparents, or five out of six great-grandparents being pure bred. Pedigree will be displayed on a light green colored paper.


ARTICLE III: Fraudulent Activity

In the event of suspected fraudulent behavior, The International Kerry Bog Pony Association, LLC shall be held harmless and any fallacious action executed by a member or applicant is to be held solely accountable. Such examples of fraudulent activity include but is not limited to: providing DNA of a Kerry Bog Pony other than listed in the registration application, knowingly providing DNA of an equine other than a Kerry Bog Pony, misrepresentation of members of the board, collecting monies on behalf of the Association without authorization, and so forth.


ARTICLE IV:  Amendment to Registry Rules

The Rules may be amended, altered or repealed by the Board of Directors by a majority of a quorum vote at any regular or special meeting. The text of the proposed change shall be distributed to all board members at least ten (10) prior to the meeting.




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